Consulting, Training, Book Publisher, International Journal Publisher, Media Digital for Marketing & Training

Consulting, Training, Book Publisher, International Journal Publisher, Media Digital for Marketing & Training
Open Access Publishing for the engineering community provides unrestricted access to scholarly research, fostering innovation and collaboration.
PT Mencerdaskan Bangsa Indonesia (PT MBI) is dedicated to advancing technology in various sectors, including computer hardware, software, internet, telecommunications, and electronics. Committed to innovation, the company strives to create cutting-edge solutions that not only meet customer needs but also contribute to societal progress.
Through research, development, and the provision of technology-based products and services, PT MBI plays a crucial role in shaping Indonesia’s technological landscape. By staying at the forefront of advancements, the company aims to empower individuals, businesses, and industries with state-of-the-art solutions, fostering a digitally progressive nation.
Consulting, Training & Publisher
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Skill enhancement, in-depth training for professional development.
Creative and informative, high-quality publishing for a diverse audience.
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