Jakarta | Birmingham

PT. Mencerdaskan Bangsa

Consulting, Training, Book Publisher, International
Journal Publisher, Media Digital for Marketing & Training


Mencerdaskan Bangsa Indonesia

PT Mencerdaskan Bangsa Indonesia (PT MBI) is a technology company that focuses on the development, production, or sale of technology-based products and services. They may encompass various fields such as computer hardware, software, internet, telecommunications, electronics, and more. The main goal of a technology company is to create innovative solutions that leverage technology to meet the needs of customers or the market.

Company Vission

To become a leader in the technology industry with an excellent reputation in innovation and to make a significant contribution to the enhancement of the intelligence level of the Indonesian nation.

Company Mission

Our Service & Product

Consulting, Training & Publisher


The leading business solution, strategic consultation for long-term success.


Skill enhancement, in-depth training for professional development.


Creative and informative, high-quality publishing for a diverse audience.

Media Digital

Digital transformation, dynamic content for maximum engagement and connectivity.